Just thought I’d let you know that the good ‘ol USA has taken a huge step towards becoming a totalitarian a police state. What? You don’t know what I’m talking about?? Well, listen up!
Last week, our illustrious Senate passed a 682 page resolution named the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, or NDDA. Hidden within the plethora of pages is a Bill under the title ‘Detainee Matters’ in section 1031 and 1032.
If accepted as is by President Obama, the law will give the US military complete authority to indefinitely detain ANYONE, including US citizens arrested on American soil or overseas, without charge or trial. All they have to do is accuse you of being a terrorist. They will not need ANY proof.
You think I’m exaggerating? Do a little research. Congress has essentially given the Defense Department the power to take civilians into military custody, take them wherever they want and completely deny them their Constitutional right to a jury trial. They could literally imprison you for life and there would be NOTHING you could do. Nothing.
Section 1031 and 1032 means that all control would be taken from our civilian-controlled judicial system and placed under secretive and unaccountable military control. Benjamin Franklin warned against forsaking liberty for temporary security. We in this country are all targets of Islamic terrorism. That is an unfortunate fact. Does that mean we lose our collective minds, run to Big Brother and completely give ‘him’ even more control over our freedom in exchange for the illusion of security and safety? And that is exactly what this is about. The illusion of safety.
We live in a dangerous world. Americans are despised with white hot passion in Islamic societies, especially in the Middle East. The entire premise of the Koran, for those ignorant enough to have not read it, is total world control under Islamic Sharia law. That is their overarching goal and I’d have to say they are making remarkable inroads, especially in Europe and even here in America. Been to Dearborn Michigan lately? Know thy enemy.
We need to wake up to the sad fact that this so called ‘war on terrorism’ is an open-ended war which extends, for Americans, all over the globe. The Senate has endorsed the notion that the government can do whatever it wants to any citizen it merely suspects of being involved in a terrorist plot or group, without the burden of proving its case to an independent judge. This legislation not only treads all over the Constitution our forefathers bled and died to design and protect, it stomps, smears and nullifies some of the most basic rights and protections we citizens have.
How did this monstrosity pass? Forty eight Democrats, forty four Republicans and one Independent voted in favor of it. You reckon they are representing the ‘will of the people?’ I think not! Thank heaven some civil rights groups are beginning to speak up. Let me give you a telling example of how surreal and crazy this is.
One of the most liberal, outspoken, lunatic fringe Senators is very opposed to this law. Yes folks, Al Franken, Democrat-MN, made the following statement. “I fear the detention provisions in this bill forget the lessons we learned from the mistakes we made when we interned thousands of innocent Japanese, Germans and Italians, or when we destroyed the lives of supposed communist sympathizers with nary a shred of evidence of guilt.” God help us…the day has arrived in which I actually agree with something Al Franken says!
President Obama has threatened to veto the bill if it still contains the problematic provisions. He stated it would, “raise serious and unsettled legal questions and would be inconsistent with the fundamental American principal that our military does not patrol our streets.” Let’s hope he actually keeps his word for once. If he doesn’t, we are in big trouble!
Edmund Burke, who served for many years in the House of Commons in England and is best known for supporting the American Revolution, wrote, “The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.” Giving away our constitutional rights under the delusion that we will be safer or more secure from outside threats will only lead to the downfall of the greatest nation this world has ever known. Is that really what you want for your children? Please, contact your Congressperson and let your voice be clearly heard!
We are on a slippery slope of destruction from within. Edmund Burke’s most famous quote is very apropos, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” WAKE UP!
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