Yeah dude, I know I keep yammering on and on about this, but if I didn’t think it was important, I’d shrug my shoulders and walk away. I may do that anyway because you’re wearing me out! Look, the evidence is in front of you every day. What exactly, is so blasted hard to understand?
I’m gonna approach this a different way because nothing I’ve said has soaked into your brain. This whole rapture thing is going to happen whether you believe it or not. What makes me so sure? Because every single prophecy in the Bible up until this point in history, has come true. ALL of them! That’s a pretty good track record, don’t you think?
So, I reckon the odds are good that the prophecies the Bible says will happen in the future will come true too! Simple as pie. Let’s look at that anti-christ guy, who I’m 99% sure is alive today, hanging out backstage, ready to stroll his suave self in front of the TV cameras. Don’t snort, I’m serious!
It most certainly IS possible for one man to rule the world! Not only is it possible, the technology is here and is being put into place right now!
How? Well, let me tell you. What would it take to control and administrate the entire population of the planet? Just humor me for a few minutes and let’s pretend the rapture has happened. That would mean out of the approximately 7 billion people on this planet, we’ll say, umm, a billion people suddenly disappeared.
I hope it’s more than that, but it’s a starting point. Now. You have a billion people missing. Think of all the car wrecks that’ll take place; all of the airplane and train disasters that’ll happen, which will kill hundreds of thousands more because their driver or pilot disappeared into thin air! Can you imagine the chaos all over the world; people freaking out because their loved ones and small children are gone?
It’ll be worldwide pandemonium for a while! I mean, look how people act when a hurricane is announced; the store shelves are emptied, lines at the gas pumps are a couple of blocks long and it becomes dog-eat-dog, every man for himself! People turn into absolute animals, right?
OK, you have all that going on. Of course the churches will be overflowing with people who come to the sickening realization of what has happened. Civil order will have to be restored so local governments will probably declare Marshall Law and citizens will be kept under control at gunpoint with curfews and all.
Scientists from all over the world will meet and come up with some halfway believable explanation for where all those people went and, because everything is so crazy and the populace desperately needs something plausible to believe, everybody buys into what they say. Over several months, the clean up of wrecks will be nearly finished, things will gradually settle down and life will slowly get back to some semblance of normal.
But because of the hoopla, world economies will be in shambles, countries will be bickering over food and fuel shortages and for some bizarre reason, I bet you the whole world will probably blame Israel for the catastrophe because everything bad that happens is always Israel’s fault! It’ll be the perfect excuse for the Arabs to plan an attack.
Everybody will be on edge because a World War seems inevitable when seemingly out of nowhere, this handsome, charismatic guy steps up on the world stage and proposes a workable plan to institute that One World Government we keep hearing about. He’ll make it sound so logical and equitable for everyone and folks will eat it up!
What seemed impossible to coordinate in years past will be pulled together over a matter of months. It’ll be a cashless society because everyone in the whole world will be expected to go to some designated station in their area to receive an official mark that proves they are a bona fide citizen of the New World Order.
This mark, in the right hand or forehead, will have all their personal info, medical records, purchases and “money” recorded on it. It’ll probably be some kind of computer chip that can be scanned so there won’t be any need to carry cash or credit cards anymore. Nooo, I do not think that sounds good! Knock it off! I’m not kidding around with you! Can I continue? Thank you.
Food and fuel supplies will stabilize and will be distributed by the central government and all the world leaders will meet, agree and even seem relieved to hand over the sovernity of their individual countries to this brilliant, confident, persuasive man.
Oh, he’ll be quite a talker, no doubt! A natural born leader, instituting laws to ‘protect’ the populace and to provide the goods and services needed. Everyone will wonder where this guy has been all this time! He’s wonderful! He’ll give the most inspirational speeches ever heard and most everyone all over the world will almost literally worship him!
You notice I said, “most everyone” will follow him. There’ll be a few holdouts that’ll keep yelling about the rapture and calling the new Leader the anti-christ! They’ll go around telling everybody the rapture happened and they’ve been left behind but that it’s not too late to get right with God and escape hell.
These rebels will adamantly insist you must not, under any circumstances, take that mark, even though it’ll mean you won’t be able to travel around freely, sell or buy what you need and you’ll be considered a wanted criminal.
They’ll swear anyone who gives their allegiance to the Leader by taking the mark will be damned to hell for eternity. No more chances. What a pain in the neck these people will be! Most citizens will look at them as a threat to the New World Order’s peace and prosperity and will demand the government do something about them; make them go away! Exterminate them.
Sounds logical. I mean, you can’t have a bunch of rebels in the New World, constantly begging citizens for food and other supplies they need to live, so the government soldiers will be given orders to round them up and put them in work camps until the Leader decides what to do with them. Guess what? FEMA is building those ‘camps’ right now! No sir, that’s not a rumor. It’s a fact!
Everyone will become so exasperated, even their own families will turn them in to the authorities! Now, that’s cold but, hey, they won’t conform to government regulations so whatever happens to them is their own fault, right?
They’ll be hunted down like rabid dogs! The soldiers will beg their commanding officers for the privilege of capturing them because they’ll get to use all the cool, high-tech gear and no one will even lift a finger when the soldiers torture or rape their captives before they throw them in the camps.
They’ll use night vision goggles, thermal imaging and stuff like that and will probably even go old fashioned at times and hunt ‘em down using dogs. A lot of rebels won’t survive being captured but who cares?
There won’t be anywhere for them to run, anyway. They’ll get caught sooner or later, what with all the cameras watching every corner, street, store, gas station, mall and shopping centers 24/7. Did you know those cameras are being equipped even now with microphones so sensitive, the authorities can listen in to even whispered conversations as you walk by? It’s true! Of course, they’re saying it’s all part of “keeping everyone safe from terrorist threats.”
These poor people won’t be able to access any computers because they won’t have the Leader’s mark to scan, so that’ll be out. The government will be flying those unmanned drones around constantly, looking for them. Those things can just about spot a pimple on a cat, even at night! The technology for this is already in place today, before the ‘Great Disappearance’ even happens and of course, they'll keep getting more high tech and will end up being all but impossible to hide from.
People won’t understand why the rebels don’t just take the mark, turn themselves in or kill themselves. Can you begin to imagine how awful their lives will be? Hunted, filthy, hungry, thirsty, no shelter, no medicine, worn out clothes and always being on guard…Well, believe me, it’s gonna get much worse!
The World Leader will no doubt be more than happy to make a big show of their bloody executions. I bet anything it’ll be on live TV so everyone can see what happens to people who refuse to join the New World Order. The Bible even mentions something about them having their heads chopped off!
So, whatcha you think so far? Sound like something you’d like to hang around for and experience? You think your family will appreciate the fact you were repeatedly warned but didn’t take it seriously?
Come on, man! You guys used to go to church, so I know you’re aware of this stuff. When it happens, you’ll have two choices; refuse the mark, die a martyr for Christ and be able to live in heaven forever or take the mark, save yourselves for a few years and be damned to eternal flames. Some choice! Yeah…fun times.
Of course, you and your family can turn to Jesus now while you still have the chance. All you gotta do is repent and accept the pardon He died to provide you. Then you’ll know for sure you guys will be safe in heaven before all hell breaks loose down here.
I haven’t even mentioned the worst part! What I told you so far will eventually be considered the ‘good ‘ol days.’
Yep, you’ll still have nuclear wars which will most likely include chemical and biological weapons, worldwide famine, a global lack of clean water, horrible diseases, catastrophic changes in the sea, sun and moon and freaky stinging little creatures to look forward to. Dude, I promise I’m not pulling your chain! I wish I was but it’s all spelled out in the Bible.
And let me remind you once again, that the percentage of Bible prophecy that’s already been fulfilled to the letter is 100%. One hundred percent! All this stuff is coming, my man. It’s gonna happen. Huh? Heck yeah, I’m trying to scare you! You should be terrified! Sticking your head in the sand and refusing to take care of business won’t stop it.
Wow. I am stunned! You still think it’s all some scary story somebody came up with, even with what you see happening in the news every night? Dude, wake up! Look, I’m not ashamed to tell you I love you and your family. I care enough to risk your anger or even our friendship to get in your face and tell you the truth.
OK, I've done my duty before God and I won’t bring it up again unless you do, but I sure will keep praying for you guys. When all this happens and I’m gone, just remember I tried my best to keep you from making the biggest mistake of your life!