You know, it really is fascinating to watch and read the national news these days. Even if you weed out the ever increasing natural disasters, such as the earthquake du jour or the mudslide extraordinaire and of course, the drug resistant pestilence of the week, the gyrations and power plays of world governments against each other is stunning in the light of Bible prophecy.
It’s astonishing to witness the changes the in attitudes of private citizens all over the world who seem to be increasingly desirous to live in nanny states, where big government bureaucrats dictate nearly every aspect of their lives. Europe is a great example.
Look at the situation in Greece. We’ve all seen the riots and rage of the people over having their government handouts cut to preserve the national economy. Are these folks really so selfish and shortsighted that they are unable to comprehend the dangerous situation decades of entitlements has put their country in, much less the consequences the rest of Europe will face if the economy of Greece implodes?
All I see are a bunch of big babies, throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at hapless police officers who have had nothing to do with the government’s decisions. The poor little darlings are enraged that they won’t be receiving the free benefits they’re used to getting. Sorry guys, the government teat is dry. Gee, they might have to save up their money to provide for healthcare or the education of their children. *sniff*
China is another great example of a nanny state, and boy that nanny is strict! Apparently the people are told what kind of occupation they will have, where they will live, what they can do for entertainment, what they can or cannot say about their repressed lives and even how many children they are allowed to produce. I shudder to think what happens to all the unexpected pregnancies and unwanted babies.
We all realize the very nature of government is to control and rule over its citizens. When we give our consent to a few officials to decide and implement laws and public policies, those lawmakers quickly become drunk on the power and prestige their position engenders.
Just this week, Washington announced that 30,000 drones, the kind used to bomb Iraq and Afghanistan, will soon be flying over American cities to watch over us for our ‘protection.’ They won’t be armed, of course. Yet. Don’t believe me? Look it up!
And our lovely First Lady’s bizarre obsession with food has caused our public schools to completely lose their minds. A few days ago, the Carolina Journal reported that a Hoke County four-year-old preschooler’s homemade lunch was confiscated by “a state worker” because he/she didn’t feel it met USDA guidelines. The child’s negligent parent had packed a turkey and cheese sandwich, apple juice, chips and a banana! Child abuse! Child abuse! The state should take that kid away from the parents!
Apparently the state worker was inspecting lunch boxes and took the child’s lunch and gave her a school supplied lunch of chicken nuggets. Yep, that certainly sounds like a MUCH healthier option! A note was sent home to the mother explaining the incident and charging her $1.25 for the school lunch. The Journal reported, “When home-packed lunches do not include all of the required items, child care providers must supplement them with the missing ones.”
Since when does a ‘state worker’ have any business ‘inspecting’ the lunch boxes of private citizens?? The government is now controlling what we eat! The outrageous arrogance of this is breathtaking!
What’s next? State workers inspecting whether we are using 1 ply rather than 2 ply toilet paper? I would just like to cordially invite a ‘state worker’ to inspect my child’s lunch. I guarantee they won’t do it again…
Since 9/11, we Americans have seen our personal freedoms steadily chipped away in the name of safety and security. The pathetic and inexcusable thing about it is we’ve allowed this situation to get completely out of control like some snowball from hell!
At first it was a perfectly logical reaction to having had the living daylights bombed out of us, but the contemptible little rodent who unfortunately is our current President has steadily nibbled away at our Constitution and Bill of Rights until I am now barely able to recognize the America in which I was born. The freedom eating pestilence that infects the White House, along with a congress whose sole focus seems to be maneuvering to hold onto their cushy jobs, are destroying this country.
But this is nothing you haven’t heard before on the conservative talking head shows on TV and the radio. Americans seem to be in some Stepford Wife daze, content to go to work, come home, eat dinner, yell at the kids and watch Jersey Shore. I am constantly amazed at the lack of concern people have for what is going on!
I used to get quite worked up about all of this. I really don’t anymore because, quite frankly, it is a lost cause. Now, don’t misunderstand me, while I do grieve what has and is currently happening, I take great comfort in what the Bible tells me must occur before Jesus can physically come back to rule this earth. The puzzle pieces are coming together quite nicely.
I get a bittersweet thrill watching the nations, including America, slowly but surely being weakened and prepared to accept the world wide rule of one charismatic, b.s. spewing man. He’ll come on the scene at the perfect moment, promising peace and prosperity because he will supply everything the people need. And because the world’s economies will have tanked and world war seems inevitable, people will lap it up and accept everything he says.
I may sound nuts but I couldn’t care less about the economy, the threat of war, the price of gas or the fantastic moral decline and increased violence of this age. I’m not gonna be here much longer. God has a wonderful track record of getting his servants out of harm’s way before He wreaks judgment on those who refuse to know Him.
Noah and his family were rescued from the flood. The Israelites were protected from the plagues visited on Egypt. Lot and his family were rescued before Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. And those of us who have been redeemed by Jesus Christ “are not destined for the wrath to come.”
Nope. We are destined to blow this joint and attend the greatest wedding feast of all time. Like any groom who is in love, I am confident Christ will not allow His Bride to endure any of the punishment that is due this world. He will take us out of the way, like He has always done for His servants. Just like He promised.
I tell you what, it is SO wonderful to be able to look at the world around me falling apart and have perfect peace and even joy. How do you people who don’t know Him cope? How do you sleep at night with all the worry you must carry?
It’s not too late, you know. Christ paid a huge price for your ticket to heaven. You can still accept Him but you’d better hurry. If you have any sense whatsoever, you will make sure you’re ready when He calls His Bride to meet Him. I can assure you once we hateful, bigoted, narrow minded Christians are gone, the circumstances you will face will be unspeakably horrid.
My family and I are ready. As far as I’m concerned, let’s get this party started!
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