The frightening international news we’re bathed in every day
is building up to such an absurd level of danger and doom that it’s actually
becoming comical in strange way. I mean,
step back and look at the entire picture of troubles; U.S. economy, gas prices,
high tensions in the Middle East; startling increase in demonically inspired
crime; unemployment rate; elected officials betraying us; natural disasters, etc. This world is going insane!
Or is it? One of my
all time favorite Bible passages is Psalm 2.
Here’s some of it, “Why do the
heathen rage, (conspire/plot) and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and
the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his anointed,
saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He
that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh (scorn/mock/deride): the Lord shall
have them in derision (mock/ridicule).
Then he shall speak to them in his wrath (face to face anger), and vex (make
terrified/disturbed/anxious) them in his sore displeasure (burning anger).”
Picture this: Almighty God, Maker of heaven and earth and
everything therein, settles back on His heavenly throne, snickering and shaking
his head in amazement at the unbridled, haughty, arrogant impudence of
man. He literally mocks Ahmadinejad,
Putin, Assad, the New World Order goons, and He probably busts a gut laughing
at Obama! But the longer He watches, the
angrier He gets.
All of these megalomaniacs think they are calling the shots
in the international nuclear chess game they’re playing. They aren’t.
Not even close! God is sovereign
and in complete control of the chaos this earth seems to be spiraling into. So what does that mean for us Christians? It means, “No worries, mate!”
However, for those of you who don’t belong to Christ—well,
you have every reason in Iran to be terrified.
There’s some serious scat coming and the escape train is about to pull
out of the station. An honest look at current events in light of Biblical
prophecy should persuade you that the ticket office is going to close very soon
and this is one train you do NOT want to miss!
Wow, so much is happening at an exponential rate; how should
I explain it? When I was little and
acted up, my Mom would snap her fingers at me as a warning to knock off that
behavior, pay attention and obey. When 9/11 occurred, God snapped his fingers,
really loud! *SNAP* It
got our attention all right, but after a couple of months America was back to
her wicked ways, ignoring the Godly principals this country was founded on.
As a result, we began to have our constitutional rights
slowly but surely stripped away, right under our self absorbed noses. The
average Joe has no idea what a precarious position we, the people, are in. *SNAP* Obama was elected. This narcissistic, egotistical, mainstream
media messiah has made rewriting the constitution and Bill of Rights his
Marxist passion. And he’s good at it. Very, very good. *SNAP*
Take a walk down memory lane with me and look at the various
ways this ungodly, heathen, Muslim butt smoocher has dragged this country into
the toilet. During his inauguration
speech in 2008, Mr. Obama, standing in his favorite arrogant,
look-down-his-nose-on-the-ignorant-masses posture, promised to “fundamentally
change America.” That made my head snap
around. America didn’t NEED to be
fundamentally changed; we were the preeminent nation of all time! Little did we know…
While visiting Turkey in 2009, he announced to the world,
“We are not a Christian nation.” As the
most anti-Israel President of all time, he voted to support an anti-Israel resolution
at the United Nations in 2010, as well as continually insist Israel capitulate
to Palestinian demands. Genesis 12:3 “And
I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee
shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Thanks for calling down curses on this land, Mr.
Now we have Obamacare.
What can I say? THE biggest tax
hike in American history, despite the promise, “if your income is under
$250,000, your taxes will not go up!”
Liar, liar, pants on fire! When
you see what this monstrosity from hell contains, you’ll absolutely faint. Here’s a VERY small sample:
HB3200 (paraphrased)
Page 50/section 152: Obamacare will provide insurance to all
non-U.S. citizens, even illegal aliens. (buying votes)
Page 58-59: The government will have real time access to an
individual’s bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund
transfers from those accounts. (excuse me???)
Page 272/section 1145: Treatment for cancer will be rationed
according to the patient’s age. Death panels
of bureaucrats, NOT physicians, will decide what, if any, treatment you’ll
receive. Really. (say bye-bye to
Page 65/section 164: This plan will be subsidized (paid for)
by the government for all union members, union retirees and community
organizations (like ACORN) (paying off
the cronies)
Nice, huh? As you all
remember, this ‘bill’ was rammed down America’s throats and Congress voted on
it without having read it! This week,
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, completely blindsided the
country by basically re-writing the bill’s language so it could pass as
constitutional. *SNAP* Only time will tell his reasons for doing
Wow! Those heavenly
finger snaps of warning are really piling up here!
Hey, how ‘bout them wild fires? Thousands of acres devastated in several
states. Hundreds of homes destroyed and
many thousands of people displaced. And
all the poor animals! Firefighters know
for sure one blaze was started by lightning.
Some of the others were, no doubt, arson by some pathetic little creep
who’s taking the fact he can’t get a date, out on innocent people. Regardless of the origin, the destruction and
heartbreak remains the same. Strange how
the weather refuses to cooperate in putting them out; high winds and no rain. *SNAP*
In the last week of June, tropical storm Debbie stalled over
several southern states for a few days, causing widespread, record breaking floods.
Homes destroyed. Families displaced for weeks. Alligators and snakes swimming
in people’s back yards. (no kidding!) *SNAP*
Now we have record breaking heat over much of the
nation. Highs temperatures well above
100 degrees have been reported, causing several deaths and a whole lot of
misery. *SNAP*
On June 29, 2010, an unforeseen, freak storm called a derecho tore up the Mid-Atlantic States
including Washington D.C. (well, there
are some small blessings…) This storm did not originate over water, yet it
dealt hurricane strength winds up to 80+ MPH, flipping cars and tractor
trailers and scattering debris everywhere. It also caused huge trees to topple
onto cars, homes and businesses.
Twenty-six+ people were killed as a result. Electrical power was cut off for millions of
citizens and because of the high number of power lines downed by falling trees
and debris, power crews reported it would take days to restore power to the
majority of the population. No electricity = no air conditioning in record
breaking heat. No refrigeration. No cell phone service, as towers were
damaged. No computers. Abject misery for
millions of men, women and children! *SNAP*
And what news just came out on 7/1/2012? How could America
possibly hack God off even more? Scientists
have announced that the first
genetically- modified human beings have been created. Swell.
Thirty healthy babies were born after a series of experiments conducted
by the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science of St. Barnabas in New
These babies were born to women who had problems conceiving,
so extra genes from a female donor were inserted into their eggs before they
were fertilized. Genetic fingerprint tests on two, one-year-old babies confirm they inherited DNA from THREE
adults—two women and one man. A
human chimera. Arrogant mankind has stepped
further into God’s domain and will pay dearly for it. This is another brick in the wall of this
country’s destruction. FOOLS!
The vast majority of Americans are living in denial. They can sense time is running out and something big is on the horizon, but…what? That feeling is so disconcerting it’s more
comfortable to ignore the obvious signs and hope things return to normal. Sorry,
but they’re not going to.
Denial is a psychological defense mechanism in which a
person faced with a fact that’s too distressing to cope with, will
unconsciously decide to reject it, insisting it’s not reality despite
overwhelming evidence.
Day after day, we hear the finger *SNAP*s of God, but most people prefer to disregard them,
conducting business as usual. We rationalize that these events are just
coincidence, because to give credence to a supernatural cause is to admit the “doomsday”
end time signs of the Bible are true.
That would mean there IS a God and we are indeed accountable to
Him. Most folks don’t like that! We humans want to live life on our own terms,
by our own rules.
Almighty God has shown great favor to this country from its
inception and what has she done in return?
She’s gotten big for her britches and turned her back. She’s flipped Him
off time after time, telling Him He’s not welcome and she doesn’t need
Him. What did my Mom do when I ignored
her finger snaps of warning? What do you
think? I got my butt justifiably
God is our Heavenly Father and He’s had enough of our
haughty attitude and our wicked ways. We’ve systematically barred Him from our
schools as well as every area of public life and government offices, including
our courtrooms. We have turned a blind eye to the slaughter of over 50,000,000
innocent babies since Roe vs. Wade was passed in the early 1970’s. We’ve happily embraced the rampant use of
drugs and alcohol which has led to extreme levels of cruelty laced crime. Even cannibalism seems to be in vogue!
We’ve lost sight of the value of investing time teaching our
children the difference between right and wrong. There is little reverence for
the sanctity of life. We no longer have
sense enough to be embarrassed about our complete lack of sexual morality, both
personally and in our forms of entertainment.
Main Street America has been relentlessly hounded and shamed
by a very small, loud mouthed minority of people into accepting the homosexual
lifestyle as perfectly normal. We’re even allowing these reprobates to teach
their degenerate blather to our young school children!
The final bastion of human civilization, the covenant of
marriage between one man and one woman, has nearly been destroyed by those
whose only wish is to bring society down to their level of perversion. America richly deserves the wrath that
Almighty God is preparing to pour out. Can you hear the *SNAP*s now?? Here is where I find myself in all this:
Ezekiel 33:6 states,
“But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the
people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them,
he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the
watchman’s hand.”
I stand every day on the wall of the city, jumping up and
down, waving my arms, shouting warnings that grave disaster is coming,
because I don’t want your blood on my hands!
The Word of God is very clear about what signs to look for right before
He unloads His fury on the sinful people of this world. The next event on the prophetic timeline is
the rapture of the church and all of creation seems to be holding its breath,
waiting for our departure which literally could happen any minute.
Those of us who have been cleansed of sin by the blood of
Jesus Christ, can sense in our spirit that we will be going home very, very
soon. We’re painfully aware what those of you left behind will face and it
chills us to the bone. We gladly risk
our reputations and endure being mocked for the chance to explain how you can
escape what is so clearly coming.
The ‘escape train,’ is for those who have accepted the
pardon God’s Son, Jesus Christ, died to provide. We don’t know exactly when the ticket window
will close but once it’s closed, that’s it. Those who miss their chance will be
left to face a very angry God.
Please, please…before you run out of time, ask Jesus to come
into your heart and save your sin filled soul.
Tell Him you want Him to be Lord of your life before it’s too late.
The ticket costs you nothing and this train won’t wait for
you to change your mind. Don’t be
Thank you for bringing these things to our attention. You write with great concern for the flock of God hoping by all means to save some. I admire you for taking the time to research these things. It seems obvious that you believe that we as Christians will be raptured out of here before the stuff hits the fan. Can you put your exceptional talents to proving this? That is even more important than the things you are writing.Most of the early church fathers believed that the church would undergo persecution at the hands of the Antichrist except Origen and Clement of Alexandria--men who gave themselves to the mystical, allegorical interpretation of scripture. Even that great proponent of the pre-tribulation rapture, Dr. John Walvoord, former president of Dallas Theological College, stated, "neither posttribulationism nor pretribulationism is an explicit teaching of the scriptures. The Bible does not, in so many words, state either" (John Walvoord, The Rapture Question, 1st Edition, Findlay, Ohio:n.p., 1957). Many people reading your blog agree with you about your conclusions as to what is happening, but the pre-tribulation rapture has no scripture to back it up. Jesus said that the rapture would not happen until some time into the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:29-31). Just my thoughts. Keep up the good work! Solefisher
Yes, I'm well aware of your opinion on a pretrib rapture; you've told me before. If you'd like to hang out and endure persecution, you're more than welcome to--I don't plan on being here.
I would love to believe in the pre-trib rapture...if only I could be assured by at least one scripture. I don't want to plan on God doing something to get us out of here, if He has never told us that He would. God promises to deliver us after the Great Tribulation. We must wake the church up to prepare for the days ahead, not to have them believe in a false hope that they are going to escape what's ahead. Please don't get me wrong...I love what you are doing to awaken the saints, I'm just concerned that the enemy would deceive us into a false hope. Solefisher
There is also no scripture stating we will be here to endure the Tribulation. As I said, if we are, we are. But I highly doubt it.
Who are those believers, then, who are mentioned to be in white robes in chapter 7:13-14 of Revelation? The apostle John is told, "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation (Gk Thlipsis, elsewhere translated persecution), they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb.
These have to be Christians who have gone through the great tribulation, wouldn't you agree?
There will be mllions saved and martyrd during the tribulation. Look, we have opposite opinions; neither of us is going to change our minds so let's drop it and agree to disagree. Thank you.
Solefisher, why are you on this blog trying to find out whether the pre-trib rapture is true or not? I doubt Donna would label herself as a bible prophecy expert. You obviously have a computer so if you are genuinely hoping the pre-trib rapture is true then do a google search and find those experts who do believe in it and start reading articles on why they do and then decide for yourself which best lines up with scripture. I will even help you out, thos who believe and defend this are Thomas Ice( he actually has a website totally devoted to this topic), Mark Hitchock ( who does a brilliant job of explaining the pretrib rapture by laying the verses that talk about the rapture and the ones that speak of Christ's second coming side by side. And you can find that on youtube) David Reagan and Jimmy DeYoung. There's a start for you. If you are already convinced of your position then what you are doing is simply trolling. That is where people get on a certain page and harass people or try to start arguments. Which is it for you?
Hi DW, may I have the last word then, not to try and change your mind but to bring light to those readers of the comments. I too believe that there will be a great revival that God is preparing His people for, but the pre-trib position has all the evangelists, teachers, pastors of any note, being raptured out of here before the revival! Not only all educated and born again believers will leave (if this position is correct, even tho there is no scripture), not only that, but the pre-trib position believes that the Holy Spirit will leave before the stuff hits the fan and the millions get saved! How can that be? My position is that the Church must be preparing now for the revival, not planning to exit.
Hi Anon, thanks for your thoughts. I didn't know what trolling meant. I don't visit blogs normally. In fact, this is the only one that I visit. My interest is the Second Coming and I love the things that DW writes about. I was given the address to this blog by another Christian. DW has a way of succinctly putting things together. I wish everyone would read her posts and keep up with the things that is happening in our day. Too many Christians are asleep to what is happening. I apologize if I seemed to be trying to start an argument. I thought I was trying to bring light to a murky topic.
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