Let’s examine what we do know about our President’s
upbringing. Under the name, Barry Soetoro, he attended kindergarten through 3rd
grade at Francis of Assisi Primary School in Jakarta, Indonesia. His school
forms state he was an Indonesian citizen and his religion was listed as Islam.
In 4th and 5th grades, he went to
Beouki Primary school. Again, little
Barry was listed as an Indonesian citizen whose religion was Islam. All Indonesian children are required to study
religion at school, so Barry was taught how to read and write Arabic, recite proper
prayers, read the Koran and study the
laws of Islam.
Records show he went further and studied, “mengaji,” the
recitation of the Koran in the Arabic language.
This advanced class was not meant for the children of non-practicing or
moderate Muslims. This was hard core
teaching and memorization. In 2007, an
old classmate, Rony Amiris, now manager of the Bank Mandiri in Jakarta,
Indonesia, spoke with reporters about Mr. Obama.
He remembers, “His father, Barack Obama, Sr., and all his
relatives in Kenya were very devout Muslims, as was Barry. He was quite religious in Islam.” However, he added that Obama “Had to change
his religion if he ever intended to run for President of the United States
because America would never elect a Muslim to be President.”
As if to confirm this, Obama’s campaign told the L.A. Times
on 1/24/2007, that he wasn’t a ‘practicing Muslim.’ Then, on 3/14/2007, they issued the following
statement: “To be clear, Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised as a Muslim, (emphasis
mine) and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in
Chicago.” I’ll allow you to draw your
own conclusions about the discrepancy between those statements and the verified
Mr. Obama then went to live with his maternal grandparents, Stanley
and Madelyn Dunham, in Hawaii. His
grandparents, along with his Mother, Ann Dunham, were all avowed Marxists. ‘Gramps’ enrolled Barry ‘Obama’ (why the name
change?) into the very expensive and prestigious Punham School and was able to
pay the tuition due to the generosity of many donors and scholarship funds that
were available at the time. He was very
fortunate to receive such a superior education at Punham from the time of his
enrollment until he graduated from high school.
When Obama was 10 years old, ‘Gramps’ introduced him to
Frank Marshall Davis, a well known Communist Party USA propagandist, poet and
pornographer, because he wanted Davis to be Barry’s role model and black father
figure. Obama and Davis met weekly from
the time he was 10 years old until he left for college. That’s at least 8 years of in-depth communist
indoctrination from a man Obama looked up to and loves to this day.
Davis constantly bashed Wall Street, big oil, GOP tax cuts
and wealthy people in general. He called
for taxpayer funded universal healthcare (sounds familiar!) and public works
He instilled a general distrust of society into Obama. In his book, Dreams from My Father, he
quotes Davis as telling him, “They’ll train you so good. You’ll start believing what they tell you
about equal opportunity and the American way and all that s***.”
The Federal government considered Davis to be a national
security threat and kept a 600 page FBI file on him. He was under investigation
and surveillance for 19 years. It’s been
said with a mentor like that, Obama should have had trouble getting a security
clearance for an entry level government job. Instead, we elected him President. How
Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham was widely known to be of
questionable moral character. She
allowed Davis to photograph her in the nude on several occasions for some of
his porn stories which were featured in magazines such as Exotique, Bondage and
Secret Pleasures. There is serious
speculation that Ann Dunham and Frank Marshall Davis had an illicit affair and
that Davis is actually Obama’s biological father. You can find more documentation and research
on this subject in the book, Dreams from My Real Father, by Joel
From about 11th grade through his first years of
college, Obama admits to drinking heavily, smoking quite a bit of pot and using
cocaine on a regular basis. He loved to
party and even stated he was a member of the ‘chum club’ in high school; chum
meaning marijuana.
After he graduated from high school, he attended Occidental
College in L.A., California where he joined the ‘Students for Economic
Democracy,’ a radical socialist organization associated with the Weather
Underground, (founded by Bill Ayers) and even gave his first public speech for
The Students for Economic Democracy was started by an
anti-American, Marxist activist named Tom Hayden, who went on to marry “Hanoi
Jane” Fonda. In subsequent years, Mr. Hayden founded “Progressives for Obama,”
a group of radicals who financially supported Obama’s Presidential candidacy.
From approximately September 1982 through May 1983, Obama
made a trip to Indonesia to see his mother. From there, he went to Hyderabad,
India and then spent 3 weeks in Karachi, Pakistan. Then he was off to Africa to visit his
father’s family. This is remarkable
because Mr. Obama was receiving scholarships to attend Occidental, yet he was
able to afford to take nearly 8 months off and travel to foreign lands. Amazing!
When he returned, he started school at Columbia School of
General Studies—NOT Columbia University, as is often cited. He majored in Political
Science. Strangely enough, his student
I.D. badge listed him as a ‘foreign student.’
This would have qualified him for a plethora of financial
aid and scholarship programs.
By his own admission,
he was an unremarkable student and benefitted greatly from Affirmative
Action. His college roommates were
consistently from Pakistan.
While at Columbia, Obama studied the Cloward-Piven Strategy,
which “teaches leaders to over commit government, growing it past the point of
sustainability by causing crisis, while developing an organized proletariat of
dependent classes and applying them to disrupt society and revolt against American
freedoms. This would foment a massive
change in society and bring in a new ‘egalitarian’ or neo-Marxist state.”
Wayne Allen Root is a Libertarian political TV and radio
personality, author and political commentator.
He was a Political Science major at Columbia the same years as Mr.
Obama. However, he states, “I don’t know
a single person at Columbia that knows him, and they all know me. I don’t have
a classmate who ever knew Barack Obama at Columbia. Ever! Nobody recalls him. I’m not exaggerating, I’m not kidding!”
Henry Franklin Graff, professor emeritus of history at
Columbia for 46 years reports, “I have no recollection of Barack Obama at
Columbia and I am sure he never attended any of my classes. For 46 years, I taught political history,
diplomatic history and one of the pioneering courses on Presidential history,
and every future politician of note who went through Columbia in those years
took one or more of my classes—every one, that is, except Barack Obama. Nobody (other professors) I knew at Columbia
even remembers Obama being there.”
A spokesman for the Columbia University system, Brian
Connolly, confirmed Obama spent 2 years at Columbia College and graduated in
1983 with a major in political science.
He did NOT graduate with honors, yet he was admitted to the very
competitive Harvard Law School?? Simply amazing! The man MUST have had a fairy god-father to
magically open doors to opportunities for him, as well as finance trips around
the world, things the average college schmuck would never be able to enjoy!
Percy Sutton, the former Manhattan Borough President, states
a former long time business partner, Khalid Al-Mansour, approached him in 1998
seeking financial help and recommendations to get Barack Obama into Harvard Law
School. Mr. Al-Mansour was a close advisor to Saudi prince, Alwaleed bin Talal,
one of the world’s richest men. One can
conclude that between the Saudi prince, Mr. Al-Mansour, Mr. Sutton and Tom and
Mary Ayers, Obama skated through Harvard Law School with nary a financial care
in the world.
But why would these Islamic and Marxist America haters be
willing to foot the bill for this young man who was steeped in the tenants of
communism his whole life? A young man
whose single minded, outspoken aspiration was to become the President of the United
States? Are you starting to see a
disturbing pattern?
In February 1990, Obama became the 1st black
President of the Harvard Law Review, the highest student position at the
school. This individual is usually picked on the basis of their grades and
should be the student with the highest academic rank. However, this wasn’t the reason Mr. Obama won
that coveted honor.
No, his fellow editors were pressured by the racial demands
of law professor, Derrick Bell, who had insisted that Harvard Law School
appoint a black woman to the faculty.
Obama wrote a marginally acceptable open letter to the editors of the
Harvard Law Review regarding affirmative action, and was subsequently
‘elected.’ Score another point for that
fairy god-father because Obama is the only person to serve as President of
Harvard Law Review without EVER publishing a single piece of signed, written
work for the Review. Just amazing, isn’t
In 1991, we are told that he graduated from Harvard Law School
and received a Juris Doctor degree in law, Magna
Cum Laude. Evidentially, he
magically progressed from being an unremarkable student his whole life, to one
with high honors. Naturally, there are no records or evidence to verify this
claim. After graduating, he returned to
Chicago to join a law firm specializing in civil rights cases and began his
work as a community organizer.
His law firm represented Antoin Rezko, a Syrian real estate
developer who ended up being convicted on several fraud and bribery
charges. In 2005, Obama bought a home
with the assistance of Mr. Rezko, in the upscale Chicago neighborhood of
Kenwood District for $1.65 million, which was far less than the asking price.
Coincidentally, an Iraqi born billionaire, Nadhmi Auchi,
loaned Rezko $3.5 million only three weeks before Obama closed on his
home. Mr. Rezko and Obama had met with
Mr. Auchi on several occasions in previous months. It’s just a miracle that
despite Michelle Obama’s constant diatribes about all the student loans they
owed, the Obama’s were still able to afford this home. Gotta love that fairy god-father!
Have you noticed that the vast majority of friends and
associates Barack Obama cultivated throughout his life have been either America
hating Muslims or America hating communists?
Want more proof? Ok… Paul Krenger, Ph.D, wrote The Communist
and Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor. The following information is from this book.
William Patterson was a hardcore communist who helped plan
the Kremlin People’s Friendship University in Russia, which groomed third world
revolutionaries and some of the world’s leading terrorists including, Iran’s
Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khomenei, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas,
Carlos the Jackal, professional assassin and Mohamed Boudia, top figure in the
PLO. Mr. Boudia was subsequently placed
in Europe by the KGB to work with Soviet backed terror cells and was involved
in the murder of the Jewish Olympians in Munich, 1972.
Mr. Patterson was Frank Marshall Davis’ mentor; Frank
Marshall Davis was Barack Obama’s mentor.
Frank Marshall Davis went on to found American Peace Mobilization, one
of the most seditious communist fronts to ever operate in the United States. Davis
worked with Robert Taylor, Valerie Jarrett’s grandfather. Valerie Jarrett is Obama’s TOP advisor in the
White House. She barks, he jumps.
Davis also worked with Vernon Jarrett, Valerie Jarrett’s
father-in-law, who was involved in
Communist circles.
Other associates of Davis were Harry and David Canter, Chicago
communists who mentored David Axelrod, who is also a senior advisor to President
The Manchurian President: Barack Obama’s Ties to
Communists, Socialists and other Anti-American Extremists, by Aaron Klein
and Brenda J. Elliott states the following:
“Like the Manchurian Candidate, Barack Obama is a powerful
politician whose true past has been intentionally obscured and who has become
the vehicle for implementing a radical agenda.
Obama is backed by and deeply tied to an anti-American fringe nexus
that, as this book will show, was instrumental not only in mentoring Obama and
helping him to build his political career, but essentially in overthrowing the
moderate wing of the Democratic Party and in securing and powerfully
influencing Obama’s Presidency. These
radical associates not only continue to influence Obama and White House
strategy, but some are directly involved in creating the very policies intended
to undermine or radically transform the U.S.A.
For instance, one of the founders of Bill Ayers Weather Underground
anti-American terrorist group, serves in an organization called the Apollo
Alliance, which helped to craft Obama’s $787 billion ‘stimulus bill.’”
Like I said before, it’s now August and time to WAKE UP
before America is ruined and turned into a communist state. Obama is backed by a
seemingly endless supply of money from George Soros, an Illuminati Globalist
hell bent on destroying America and her citizens.
People always wonder why America isn’t mentioned in Biblical
prophecy concerning the last days. God
has removed His hand of blessing and protection from this wicked, abortion
hungry, homosexual loving, depraved country. Can you blame Him?
The forces of hell are entrenched deep within both parties
of our government, Republican AND Democrat.
Most of Congress, as well as the White House are Globalists who are
feverishly working to bring America to her knees. And they are succeeding.
We can stop, or hopefully at least slow their plans this
November. If we are fortunate enough to
actually have a Presidential election before the Communist-in-Chief declares
martial law, transforming America into a police state, we had better vote these
demons out of office; all of them, but especially the Globalist puppet, Barack
He is dangerous. He
is a consummate LIAR. He desperately
wants to ruin America and destroy the middle class. And he absolutely HATES you and your family! He is a malignant narcissist who’s convinced
he is superior and we the people don’t deserve our freedoms and prosperity. That’s
what he’s been taught his entire life and a snake can’t change its stripes.
Speaking of lies, here is a video showing Senator Obama telling a live audience he was, indeed, born in KENYA. This makes him ineligible to be President of the United States. WHY is no one challenging him???
Speaking of lies, here is a video showing Senator Obama telling a live audience he was, indeed, born in KENYA. This makes him ineligible to be President of the United States. WHY is no one challenging him???
He is NOT, I repeat NOT in any shape, form or fashion a
Christian! The fruit he bears is nothing
but poisonous and he lives and works for the enemy of our souls. If he is
allowed another term as President of this once great country, we are finished.
Simple as that.
We are witnessing the early manifestations of God’s Holy judgment
on America. We had 9/11, and the
Globalist, freedom stripping Presidency of George W. Bush who brought 10+ years
of war that doesn’t seem to have accomplished much except cause the U.S. to
engender even more hatred from the Middle East.
Then we elected Barack Hussein Obama, the most subversive, destructive
individual to ever occupy the White House.
Our world famous economy has fallen flat on its face. In reality, unemployment is well over 8% and
has been for years. People are losing their homes to Globalist bankers’ intent
on erasing the middle class. Our
national dept is at a level so absurd as to be darkly comical. Violent crime in this country is at an all
time high and now includes a bizarre, flesh consuming element. Teenagers are ‘flash
mobbing’ stores, walking in and stealing whatever strikes their fancy as the
shopkeeper stands by, helpless to stop them.
Nature has lost her mind; record flooding in some areas and
record high temperatures and deadly droughts in others, further contributing to
the economic decline. Wildfires, some of which seem to have been intentionally
started, have destroyed hundreds of homes resulting in billions of dollars in damage, killed
innocent animals and have even taken human lives.
Is ANYONE getting this??
For the sake of your children and grandchildren, turn off the
dang-blasted TV and video games and pay attention to your own future. Pull your collective heads out of the orifice
of your choice and get engaged with what is happening right under your nose.
Will this be the year America falls? Will we repent of our sins and call on
Almighty God to restore us to represent the blessed beacon of freedom the whole
world has envied for over 200 years? Or
is it too late? Hopefully, we Christians
will be snatched off this miserable earth before too much longer. WE aren’t the
ones who will be left to suffer the consequences of those who have ignored the
warnings of God and gone their own way without obeying His commandments.
None of this would be complete without a thought from that
bastion of evil, Mr. Illuminati/Globalist himself, David Rockefeller. In his 2003 book, Memoirs, he states,
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best
interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as
‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a
more integrated global structure—one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty and I am
proud of it.”
Proverbs 1:22-33 “How
long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? And the scorners delight in
their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I
will make known my words unto you. Because I have called, and ye refused; I
have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; But ye have set at naught all
my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh
upon you. Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not
find me: For that they hated knowledge,
and did not choose the fear of the Lord:
They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. Therefore
shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own
devices. For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity
of fools shall destroy them. But whoso
hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.”
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