*Sigh* You know this
is not gonna be good if this article starts off like that. I just read a piece titled; Christians Can
Change Their Minds on Homosexuality. The author states that she was all at once,
elated and filled with dread when President Obama announced that he supported
same-sex marriage, because she knew the negative backlash it would cause. You
see, she was to attend a reception at the White House that marked Gay Pride
Month, and could remember a time she wouldn’t have been caught dead at such an
She had been an ‘evangelical Christian’ for 30 years when
her very independent and successful daughter called to inform her she was
gay. At first, she was understandably
devastated and prayed for the Lord to change her daughter’s choice. “But instead, God changed me.” Uh…really?
She goes on to say she had a “dramatic change of heart; an
epiphany, a paradigm shift or just plain coming to my senses, “ when her
daughter called to say she and her partner were getting married. At first she was upset and saddened and asked
God, “What event could a parent be asked to attend that would be worse than
this?” “His answer was short—a
She marveled that she had never felt God’s presence and love
as strongly as she did during the wedding weekend. Her daughter was raised with
the message from pastors, Sunday school teachers, Christian leaders as well as
her Christian parents that, “She was an abomination to God and didn’t deserve
His love.” But, thankfully, the daughter
received the message from God himself that He loved her. Of course God loves her! He will NOT, however, tolerate her
This lady agonizes about the years she taught her daughter
that homosexuality was wrong and how deeply she must have hurt her
feelings. She’s now “On a mission to
help keep other families from making our mistakes. Now the lessons I have learned about
unconditional love for the gay community need to be applied to those who are
exactly where I was for so many years.”
man said to himself, ‘Let me make God in my image, after my likeness.’ So in the image of man created him God, and
man blessed God and said unto Him, “Thou shalt have dominion over pretty much
nothing, and shall give power and blessing to any and everything I will to do
and thou shalt unconditionally love every depraved and sinful act I can
What ‘god’ is this lady talking about that would debase His
holiness to attend a gay wedding? This woman opines, “Love can’t be legislated,
politicized, forced or faked. It comes
from God. I have said many times that change will come one heart at a time, and
only God can change a heart—if we will just get out of God’s way.” I think she means, if God just gets out of
OUR way!
Let us turn in our Bibles to the 1st chapter of
Romans. I want to take you through most of this chapter and include in
parenthesis the Greek meanings of the words for clarification. It really is eye opening to see the original
Romans 1: 18 “For the wrath (anger, indignation) of God is revealed (made known) from heaven against all ungodliness (having no reverence for God) and
unrighteousness (violating God’s law)
of men, who hold (restrain, hinder)
the truth (moral religious fact) in unrighteousness.”
Then vs. 21 “Because that, when they knew God, they
glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their
imaginations (inward reasoning), and
their foolish (stupid) heart (soul or mind) was darkened” (deprived of understanding.) Professing
themselves to be wise (expert, learned),
they became fools” (be or act foolishly.)
Vs. 24 “Wherefore God also gave them up (delivered, permitted) to uncleanness (impure morals) through the lusts (craving,
longing for what is forbidden) of their own hearts, to dishonor (treat with contempt) their own bodies
between themselves.”
Vs. 26-28 “For this
cause God gave (delivered, permitted)
them up to vile (disgrace, dishonor)affections (depraved passion): for even their women
did change (exchanged) the natural
use (inborn-agreeable to instincts)
into that which is against (from, besides)
nature (distinctive native
characteristics): and likewise also the men, leaving ( depart, disregard, abandon)
the natural use (sexual use of a woman)
of the woman, burned (set on fire,
kindled) in their lust (appetite,
unlawful craving) toward another (mutually,
reciprocally) ; men with men working (perform,
accomplish, achieve) that which is unseemly (ones nakedness, shame), and receiving (to get what is promised, retribution) in themselves that
recompense (reward given in compensation)
of their error (wrong action, straying
morally) which was meet (necessary,
right and proper). And even as
they did not like (deem worthy, approve)
to retain God (adhere or cling to keep) in their knowledge (knowing things ethical and divine), God
gave them over (delivered, permitted)
to a reprobate (untested, unfit, rejected)
mind, to do those things (perform, act
out, carry out) which are not convenient” (becoming, proper, fit).
Vs. 29-31 “Being filled with all unrighteousness (injustice, deeds violating law),
fornication (illicit sexual intercourse,
including adultery, homosexual, lesbian and bestiality), wickedness (depravity, iniquity), covetousness,
maliciousness (desire to injure, evil,
depravity); full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity (depravity of heart, bad character);
whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventers
of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding,
covenant-breakers, without natural affection (inhumane, unloving), implacable, unmerciful:”
Vs. 32 “Who knowing (being
acquainted, understanding) the judgment of God (judicial decree, sentence of
condemnation), that they which commit such things (practice, exercise, of this kind, sort) are worthy (merited,
befitting) of death (loss of life and
future misery in hell), not only do the same, but have pleasure (also, pleased, approve, applaud, agree to)
in them that do them” (exercise,
practice, act, commit). *whew!*
Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today,
and forever.” Unchanging. Eternally
the same. Does not change His character
or nature. So this mother is agreeing to
or applauding the kind of behavior from her daughter that God considers worthy
of meriting a death sentence.
‘Yay honey, your wedding dress is beautiful and Daddy and I
will pay for the cake. Then we can all
pretend God blesses your lesbian union, and completely ignore that this
lifestyle will lead you straight to hell; plus I will have to face a Holy God
and explain why I decided to accept this charade of ‘love.’’
I think it is safe to say most parents love their children
unconditionally. Does that mean we have
to sanction and applaud their actions?
For instance, let’s say my son was a serial killer. We all know that is wicked behavior before
God. What if I knew this information about him and, as he was on the run from
the law, stopped by for Sunday dinner with a nice chunk of thigh meat from his
latest victim. “Here ma, I brought you a
present. Cook this puppy up like roast beef, would you? I’d love some of your mashed potatoes and
green beans with it, and maybe you could make me some banana pudding for
dessert! Whatta you say?”
Like the mother in the article with her lesbian daughter, I
would be horrified and disgusted beyond description! The Bible is very clear that murder and
depravity of this sort is completely against God’s laws—always has been, always
will be. After all, God is the same
yesterday, today and forever, right?
So do I take the wimpy road like this mother and say to my
son, “Oh honey, that is one beautiful hunk of meat; Ooo, and so lean! Must have been a jogger, huh? Thanks! I love you and will delude myself into
accepting your wicked behavior out of a misplaced definition of unconditional love;
therefore I won’t call the cops and have your vile butt arrested.”
How ridiculous, right?
So my son is a serial killer. Do
I stop loving that child I bore, nursed, cuddled and raised or do I completely
cut all ties and ignore his existence? Of
course I would still love him!
And I’d call the cops on him in a heartbeat! THAT
is unconditional love, lady.
Do I condone and accept his kidnapping, torture and
murdering ways? Of course NOT! But I would still love him. I wouldn’t be able to help it—just like God
loves us but refuses to accept our sinful behavior. He will still ‘call the cops’ on us, so to
speak, and make sure justice is served.
I feel for this very conflicted mother, but she is dead
wrong. As the verses with their original
Greek meanings listed above, it is perfectly CLEAR homosexuality is not
condoned or OK with God. It wasn’t in
Sodom and Gomorrah and it isn’t in this day and age either, no matter what the
pushy, big mouthed, politically correct, depraved LGBT lobby tells you!
For this mom to accept her daughter’s choice (and it IS a
choice, don’t give me a bunch of bull that they are born that way), is doing
her daughter and her own relationship with God a huge disservice. I can completely understand her desire and
overwhelming need to have a loving tie with her daughter, but she is leading
her astray, as well as making a mockery of the Bible and the sanctified life we
as Christians are to strive for.
So what should she have done? What should Christian parents do when their
kid suddenly spouts off the news that they are gay? You love them unconditionally. You reject
their behavior. Do you keep in touch?
Yes. Do you tell them as much as
possible you love them? Yes. Do you have their lover over for dinner? No.
Do you attend their ‘wedding’? Of course not. Don’t bother to give a gift
What if that adult child chooses their lover over their
loving, Godly parents? Then you grieve
like the dickens and pray for God’s intervention. That is their choice and like
the rest of us, they will have to make their own decisions about God and decide
whether to follow or reject Him. We ALL have to stand or fall on this issue
alone and we parents cannot choose for them, as much as we want to and as much
as our heart would break in a million pieces if they chose to shun God.
Like this lady said, change will come one heart at a time
and only God can change a heart—if we will get out of God’s way. God bless this
mother. I know her heart aches to do the right thing and I will be praying for
her to see the truth.
I am not sure if you are right. Jesus died for all our sins, 1 excluded, sin against the Holy Spirit of God. Thats the hate against God Himself.
I know God is against homo-sexuality, but still i think that Jesus also died for that sin, don't you think. Otherwise you are limiting the complete sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Sorry for my bad English, i am dutch :)
Dutch- I don't believe I insinuated God wouldn't forgive homosexuality. However, you cannot continue a lifestyle of homosexuality and expect God to accept that! Jesus told the adultress, "go and sin no more." Gays have to decide what is most important to them; God or their sex life.
Your absolutely right. That lifestyle is horrible for God.
Sorry that i made the wrong conclusion about the forgiving.
I myself really cannot understand why Christian Gay people continue their 'lifestyle' when they know from the Word of God that He is against it....
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