The poor, widdle atheists are so jealous of the sodomites
who seem to be getting all the press these days. Poor pookeys have decided to compete to see
who can be as obnoxious as humanly possible.
I don’t know…that’s gonna be a close race!
You see, the sodomites were in the news for nearly a whole
week when they were whining about the whole Chick-fil-A debacle. How embarrassing that must have been for the
gay rights folks! To their utter horror,
people from all walks of life, all over this country, stood in line for hours
in the hot sun on August 1, 2012, to show their support for the restaurant
chain’s unapologetic Christian stance against same-sex marriage, as well as
their 1st Amendment right to openly declare that opinion.
Of course, those who have been given over to a reprobate
mind, stomped their little feet during their customary tantrum and declared
they would have a ‘kiss-in day’ on August 4th in response. The
turnout was abysmal. How embarrassing! They don’t even support themselves!
And WHO, pray tell, passed some kind of city or state
ordinance declaring August 4th to be the ‘National Same-Sex Kiss Day
at Chick-fil-A?’ When was that vote
held? Should we expect this
self-flagellating humiliation to occur every year?
Perhaps Zach Dickerson of Chicago, IL can enlighten us. He
showed up with his boyfriend and stated, “Dan Cathy is exercising his
constitutional right to exercise his opinion and we are exercising our
constitutional right to tell him he’s wrong.”
There is a marked difference between the 1st
Amendment guarantee of free speech and telling Mr. Cathy he’s ‘wrong.’ Interestingly, one is actually listed as a
right in our constitution; however, the ‘right’ to tell someone their opinion
is ‘wrong’ is not. Opinions can’t BE wrong. You would think Mr. Dickerson would know
that, but to the shame of law schools everywhere, he claims to be a
lawyer. Yikes!
Oh yes, back to the atheists. Apparently they are upset polite society pays
them no mind, so to push their agenda, they decided to take a page out of the
sodomite’s playbook by belching their boring blather in the loudest voice they
can. Yes, they want to foist their
abominable personal opinions upon the rest of us by filing lawsuits and buying
billboard space. Only problem is…NO ONE CARES WHAT THEY THINK! But no matter, by all that is not holy, we’re
forced to listen anyway.
The American Atheists have filed suit against the Port Authority of New York and
New Jersey, stating, “The plaintiffs, and each of them, are suffering, and will
continue to suffer damages, both physical and emotional,” from the existence
and placement of the cross at the site of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade
They allege the, “Named plaintiffs have suffered dyspepsia
(upset stomach), symptoms of depression, headaches, anxiety and mental pain and
anguish from the knowledge that they are made to feel officially excluded from
the ranks of citizens who were directly injured by the 9/11 attack.”
Sooooo, are they saying they’re upset THEY weren’t included
in the ranks of citizens who were directly injured on 9/11? If that’s what they’re after, I’m sure we would
all be willing to accommodate their wishes! I would personally be MORE than
happy to satisfy their obvious need to have their hineys kicked. Would that satisfy their bizarre desire to
feel included with those who were injured?
The suit goes on to state that the named plaintiffs, “have
seen the cross, either in person or on television, are being subjected to, and
injured in consequence.” American Atheists President, David Silverman, argues
that the 17 foot tall, Ground Zero cross, which consists of two intersecting
steel beams that survived the Twin Tower collapse, “has become a Christian
He continues, “It has been blessed by so-called holy men a
few times, and presented as a reminder that God, in his infinite power of
goodness, who couldn’t be bothered to stop the Muslim terrorists, or stop the
fire, or hold up the buildings to stop 3,000 people from being crushed, cared
enough to bestow upon us some rubble that resembles a cross. Ridiculous.”
“The legal argument is absurd,” Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel
of the American Center for Law and Justice.
He filed a brief with the court featuring the signatures of more than
100,000 people who are vehemently against removing the memorial. He doubts the claims are true, finding it
absolutely incredible these plaintiffs are the only non-Christian people in the
nation who are susceptible to such debilitating symptoms at the mere sight of
the memorial piece.
How completely lame this suit is, and what a waste of the
court’s time. Many concur with this
opinion, including the National September 11 Memorial and Museum, which
described for the court that the cross is, “an important and essential artifact
that comprises a key component of the retelling of the story of 9/11, in
particular, the role of faith in the events of the day and particularly, during
the recovery process. The Museum is not
in the business of providing equal time for faiths; we are in the business of
telling the story of 9/11 and the victims of 9/11.”
Even fellow atheist and writer of the Washington Post’s “The
Spirited Atheist,” Susan Jacoby, calls the lawsuit “frivolous.” She agrees that the action, “misconstrues the
First Amendment,” and wonders if the plaintiff, Silverman, “really believes
this nonsense.” Of course he doesn't, Ms. Jacoby! He's just cranky and obviously needs a nap.
I want the American Center for Law and Justice, who gathered
the 100,000 signatures to keep the cross in response to this asinine suit, to
countersue the American Atheists in a class action complaint on behalf of the
majority of the American people. As a
result of their absurd complaint, the following injuries have occurred to the
plaintiffs, somewhere or sometime.
Intense mental and emotional symptoms of acute distress
disorder such as:
Sleeping too much
Impaired relationships
Inability to enjoy pets
Obsessive need to talk to house plants
Anal pain related to the incomprehensible, babbling stupidity
audibly detected in the plaintiff’s general vicinity
Intense anxiety due to the fear of being repeatedly
subjected to the inane and insipidly moronic thought processes of the defendants
Cognitive disorders
Eating disorders
Poor impulse control directly related to the overwhelming
desire to kick the ever loving colonic material out of every presumptuous,
opposing political or societal human being who insists on invading or foisting
their useless and unwanted opinion upon the rest of America’s population
And so on…
We could combine the legal complaint involving this same
group, American Atheists, with their other pathetic, narcissistic ploy for
attention; a campaign against, “the foolishness of religion in the political
This group of Godless, infantile, offensive,
don’t-have-anything-better-to-do-with-their-time individuals, has wasted
thousands of dollars purchasing billboards to be displayed in the Charlotte, NC
area during the Democratic Convention, being held there September 3-6.
This is the same organization that pushes the philosophy of
“loving yourself and your fellow man rather than a god.” I know this sounds mighty similar, but it has
nothing to do with the sodomite agenda.
It is strictly atheistic, but one can always hope.
The billboards will feature an image of a piece of toast
with a supposed image of Jesus burned into it, and states, “Christianity: Sadistic God, Useless Savior, 30,000+ versions
of truth, Promotes Hate and calls it love.”
How quaint. Apparently this is a slam on President Obama’s supposed
faith. HAHAHAHAAHAHA!!! Uuh-hum. Excuse me.
Another version features a man wearing glowing underwear and
states: “Mormonism: God is a space
alien, Baptizes dead people, Big money, Big bigotry,” all obviously pointing to
Mitt Romney, an avowed Mormon. This
billboard was supposed to be featured in Tampa, FL, during the Republican
Convention, but no billboard company in town would accept it. HA! You rock, Tampa! A city with class.
Again, according to David Silverman, President of American
Atheists, “The election of our leaders in the United States is one of the most
important decisions that we as citizens make.
Allowing our judgment to be clouded by sheer silliness is unacceptable.
We want to show the people of our country the foolishness of mixing religion
with politics.”
Funny thing is, Mr. Silverman, NEITHER candidate has hardly mentioned
their religious beliefs so far during this campaign. YOU are the one making an
issue of it! Besides, since the evidence overwhelmingly points to Mr. Obama’s
true loyalty and worship lies with Islam, you may want to remember to denigrate
that religion in the future. Or do you not have the testosterone producing
nodes to do so?
Last year when pilots refused to fly American Atheists’ banner
stating, “God-less America,” the group whined, “The reality is that there is
still a lot of bigotry out there and many companies refused to fly our
banners. This just emphasizes the
importance of doing this campaign!”
Noooo, it emphasizes the complete boredom and disregard
America has for your point of view.
Guess what, American Atheists; NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU THINK! Save your money and take a long vacation far,
far away.
Like some star struck bimbo in a B movie, you’ve gotten your
15 minutes of fame. Please go away now.
Again, no one really cares what you think. Ironically, you guys probably
mention the name of God more than most Christians do these days. How curious.
A wise friend of mine said, “It’s been my experience that
most people don’t have an intellectual problem with God; they have a moral
problem with God, disguised as an intellectual problem.” Hmmm.
Me thinks the American Atheists doth protest too much. Perhaps something is pricking your soul?
Just remember, it doesn’t matter whether you believe in “that
useless Savior” or not. He is real and His
word tells us in Philippians 2:10 one day, “That at the name of Jesus, every
knee shall bow, of things in heaven, and in things in earth, and in things
under the earth.”
That day, my atheist friends, is coming MUCH sooner than you
can imagine. What will you put on your
billboards then?
Again another great article. It never ceases to amaze me how busy Satan has been over the last centuries esp. the last 50 years. It's amazing how he is putting the bow on his package to tie it up nice and neat, he's got the atheist's, the muslims, the socialist's, the communists, the anarchists, and many more all working together to pull off the grand finale! I might have underestimated Satan! But fortunately we know how the story ends, and I agree with you, I will thouroughly enjoy watching him get what he has coming. We'll get front row seats! As for me and my house, we're looking up! For redemption draws nigh, I just hope more people wake up and turn to Christ,as one day the door to the throne will close, and noone will enter except through judgement. Thanks again, for your dedication.
Thank you, cj. I appreciate that.
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