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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Be Very Sure!

It seems every time a Presidential election rolls around, you hear,”This could be the most important election in the history of the country!”  I’m hearing it now but this time, they may be correct.

While I would like to see a dedicated Christian in the White House, as long as the candidate is not Islamic, I don’t get too worked up over what ‘religion’ he is.  What matters most to me is that he can be trusted to guard our Constitution and Bill of Rights like a big dog with a bone.  And he needs to take it easy on those Executive Privileges that seem to materialize during the middle of the night when Congress is not there.

Now, understand I am not endorsing any particular candidate, especially the one who has common sense but would invite Ahmadinejad out to dinner and a sleep-over at the White House to show America respects him and how he runs Iran.

But currently one candidate seems to be a shoo-in for the Republican nomination.  And he concerns me.  Mitt Romney is a mighty pretty package, that’s for sure.  He is the perfect age, is well spoken and certainly has the demeanor of someone Presidential-ly and does not seem to have a poorly hidden agenda to turn this country into a socialist state.  But there’s the whole Mormon thing and I think we need give that a closer look.

The vast majority of folks think Mormonism is just another denomination of Christianity.  Until recently, so did I because I never bothered to educate myself about their beliefs.  In my opinion, the only ‘religion’ more bizarre is Scientology!

Let me give you a brief overview.  I don’t care what they tell you at the front door, they are NOT Christians!!  They will use the name of Christ, and they officially call themselves the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but the Jesus they speak of is not the Jesus in the Bible.

This religion was founded by Joseph Smith when he was about 14 years old.  He lived in the western part of New York State and, at the time, there were many different Christian denominations competing for new converts.  Apparently this troubled Joseph because he wanted to be baptized but was very confused over which church to join; Methodist? Baptist? Lutherian? Catholic?

He wanted to make sure he joined the one which taught truth so he took a walk and ended up in a grove of trees where he began to pray.  Suddenly, he saw a vision of two people, standing in the air above him and whose glory was like the sun.  One called him by name and pointed to the other one saying, “This is my beloved son. Hear him!”

He was told that none of the current denominations preached the truth and were an abomination to God.  Christ wanted him to establish a new church which would restore the priesthood or the authority to act in God’s name. 

Sometime later, God led him to, “an ancient record” and gave Smith the ability to translate it into English.  This became the Book of Mormon.  As time went on, he continued to receive revelations which were compiled into a book of scriptures called the Doctrine and Covenants.

According to Smith, his church was, “the ONLY true and living church upon the face of the whole earth…”  He taught that, “God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens!”  In addition, God is just one of billions of gods, and has a celestial wife who was involved in the procreation of Jesus.

He said, “We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly.”   The Book of Mormon has no archaeological support and includes a wide variety of historical inaccuracies.  Even though Joseph Smith claimed it contained the word-for-word translation he received by revelation, there have been 3,913 changes in the subsequent years.

Unlike Christianity, there is no mention of the cross or Christ’s sacrifice for our sins and that we are saved by faith alone.  The LDS teaches that you can only be saved through faith AND performing the works the church directs you to accomplish.  The delusions and rules continue on and on until you achieve God status and then you get to start your own little world to lord over.  No kidding.

 As of today, this is still a free country and people can believe whatever they wish.  However, unbeknownst to the vast majority of Americans, the Mormon church’s overarching goal is world domination.  Everyone would convert to Mormonism; give ALL their worldly possessions to the church which would then parse out to everyone according to their need, which the church would decide.

Hmmm.  Didn’t know that, did you?  Does it color Mr. Romney in a different light?  No?  Well, did you know Mitt’s father once ran for President?  Or that Mitt’s uncle is in the highest echelons of the church, as is Mitt himself?

Now, I don’t think Mr. Romney plans to take over the country with the help of the Mormon Church, but I HAVE to question his intentions about what he hopes to accomplish were he to be elected. He and his family have a long history of being some of the grand-pooh-bahs at the temple in Utah. Once you get into the upper ranks, which takes many years, the ceremonies and rituals get more secretive and occultish.

The little Mormon dude at the door trying to get you to take his literature most likely has no idea what he’s gotten himself mixed up in!  Problem is, if Mitt Romney wins the Republican nomination, neither will we!

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