Not to mention my all time favorite annoyance, the let’s-insult-the-intelligence-of-our-customers- by- putting -the milk- at –the- back-corner- of- the- store ploy. Do they think we have ‘stupid’ tattooed on our foreheads? I’ll admit this marketing strategy works on me because I inevitably grab something I need that I had no intention of purchasing.
But these irritations are not the reason I despise going for groceries which, by the way, never used to bother me in the least. No, there is a very different, much more sinister reason that’s far more serious than what is listed above.
I cannot help but watch the other shoppers innocently going about their business, choosing food, trying to get the attention of the guy in the deli or telling the kids that, no, they are not going to get the gummy bear cereal they want because it’s not good for them and working to hush the subsequent whining.
When I look at the incredible variety of fruits and vegetables available, the fresh meals ready to take home and aisle after aisle filled with thousands of products, I shudder. The people around me have no clue what is coming. And if they’ve heard of the rapture and tribulation, they either don’t believe or don’t care!
They don’t understand that civilization as we’ve always known it, is about to be turned on its head. I see them content, humming as they bag their apples, knowing one day in the not too distant future having an apple, even an old one, will be a treasure that they might have to fight others to keep!
I always visualize the fresh produce department empty, the deli only a pleasant memory and the bakery darkened. The shelves of canned goods, snacks, soft drinks and boxed items that will have only a small variety from which to choose.
And the most horrific image I see are the people in line to check out that don’t have the mark of the beast; people who are hungry, desperate and harassed by the staff and customers who are waiting to get on with their day.
And the most horrific image I see are the people in line to check out that don’t have the mark of the beast; people who are hungry, desperate and harassed by the staff and customers who are waiting to get on with their day.
They will be rudely turned away and forced to leave the store empty handed. I imagine an officer will pull them aside and offer to give them a meal if they will accompany him to the government center so they can receive the mark they must have to buy or sell.
Think of the gut wrenching decision they’ll have to make as they look into the starving eyes of their family, knowing they will be permanently damned to an eternity of hell if they take that mark. But if they resist, they’ll continue to suffer, being forced to search dumpsters for scraps of something edible or even risk being hunted down, imprisoned and executed!
They'll no longer be able to rely on the kindness of strangers. There will be no kindness on earth anymore. The ones who were truly loving and kind disappeared a few years before and those left behind turned into virtual animals who wouldn’t think twice about cutting your throat for the little bit of food you had left in your house.
For those with the mark, society will seem to be getting back on its feet when the President of the World comes to power. They’ll view those stubborn holdouts that refuse to conform, as a nuisance and danger and will readily betray them to the authorities, even if they are family members!
How do I tell my fellow shoppers what is coming? Do I pull on their sleeve with tears in my eyes and beg them to listen? They’d most likely jerk away and accuse me of being the nut-case on the corner, holding up a sign stating, “The End Is Near-- Repent!” They are too busy going on about their lives, oblivious to the horror to come. Can’t say I blame them.
It’s not like they will hear the warning of the ‘watchmen on the wall’ in their church! I highly doubt they would sit still for an hour or so of old fashioned, fire and brimstone preaching. Nope, that wouldn’t tickle their ears and allow them to leave church feeling satisfied they’d done their duty for the week before God. And heaven knows keeping the attendance up is the most important thing their pastor can do besides booking that up and coming, Christian rock band.
The only way I know to tell them is by writing all the warnings I can while there is still time. I hope many, many people will end up reading this; I hope these words get under their skin like a splinter, irritating their hearts until they make things right with Almighty God.
A storm is coming. The ark is almost ready and unless they repent and come to Christ, they will miss the boat. It’s a rather nauseating thought, isn’t it?
And THAT is why I hate grocery shopping.
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