Choosing who should be the next leader of the greatest and most powerful nation on earth is a serious business. It should not be based on a candidate’s likability, charisma or skin color but by his record of leadership and intelligence along with the backbone that is imperative to ensure the leaders of other countries, friendly and unfriendly alike, have a healthy respect for this country. This man must be seasoned, basically honest and truly willing to work with all members of Congress to attend to the people’s business.
We all chuckle at the thought that our President should be upright and honorable since honesty is not usually high on a politician’s agenda but it is critical that the American people are able to count on this man to do his very best to keep his campaign promises. The average American wants their President to abide by our Constitution and Bill of Rights, balancing the need for national security while jealously guarding the freedoms for which our Founding Fathers labored so diligently to frame.
It’s a given that Obama will be the Democratic nominee, but who among the Republican candidates would best fulfill the requirements listed above enough to deserve the honor of running against Mr. Obama? One who is experienced in the ways of Washington but has a historically duplicitous marital record or one whose entire life and way of thinking is a twisted lie?
Should a candidate’s personal life carry more weight than his opponent’s entire belief system of how God, family and society are put together??
Mitt Romney is a pretty face and presents himself as an all-American guy but, because he was raised in the Mormon church, the whole paradigm of his life is so warped and bizarre it defies the most basic logic. Allow me to explain.
The entire Romney family has been enmeshed in the Mormon church, also known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, since its inception. Mitt Romney’s great-great grandfather, Parley P. Pratt, was teenage founder Joseph Smith’s, right hand man. He supported Smith financially for years and was one of the original twelve Apostles, an ardent supporter of polygamy and was literally shot in the back while he was stealing his 12th wife!
Mitt’s father, George Romney was the Governor of Michigan, U.S. Secretary of HUD under the Nixon administration and ran for President in 1968. He was also a very high official in the Mormon church, serving as Patriarch and regional representative of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the United States. Mitt is currently a High Priest and Bishop.
‘So what’, you ask? ‘The Mormons are known as good, solid family oriented people and believe in Jesus Christ. They don’t believe that polygamy stuff anymore so what’s the problem?’ That is exactly what they want you to think! They go out of their way to present themselves as completely benign and just like everyone else. Oh Lord in heaven help me, sit back, read and get ready for the hair on the back of your neck to stand up…
Joseph Smith was a teenager who had a vision from God that he was to start the TRUE Christian church because God didn’t like the ones which had already been established. Naturally, he was alone in the woods so there were no witnesses to this blessed event.
In other words, all the disciples, theologians and millions upon millions of Christians got it wrong for nearly 2000 years, but a teenager with a 3rd grade education really did receive the ‘last prophecy’, even though it has been changed and updated approximately 4000 times since.
Mormons hold great disdain towards Christianity; they believe it was “hatched in hell” and “inspired by the devil,” and consider Christians to be the, “whore of Babylon” yet they will look you in the eye and emphatically state they themselves are Christians. Bottom line, they lie! Mitt has openly expressed faith in Jesus as “Lord and Savior” to Evangelical Christians but routinely gives slick non-answers to questions about his loyalty and beliefs in the Mormon church.
Yet, in the Mormon pamphlet, What the Mormons Think of Christ, pg.22 it says: “Christians speak often of the blood of Christ and its cleansing power. Much that is believed and taught on this subject, however, is such utter nonsense and so palpably false that to believe it is to lose one’s salvation. For instance, many believe or pretend to believe that if we confess Christ with our lips and avow that we accept him as our personal savior, we are thereby saved. They say that his blood without any other act than mere belief makes us clean.” “In addition, the sacrifice He made was conditional.”
Remember what Paul said in Galatians 1:8-9 “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” Could he have been any clearer?
Mormonism is the very definition of ‘another gospel!’ Got it?
Here are a few other examples of their beliefs; these are considered current doctrine in the LDS.
Jesus is really Lucifer’s (a/k/a Satan) older brother (no, I am NOT kidding!) and both are offspring of “our Heavenly Father” and some unnamed celestial mother/s, “and therefore spiritual brothers, but Jesus is the First Born of the Father.” Jesus was with the Father from the beginning and Lucifer was also a spirit child who had authority in the presence of God and called “a son of the morning.” But he made bad decisions, so now he’s evil. Okaaaay…
In fact, all humans, including Jesus Christ, angels, demons and Lucifer are all originally spirit children of a Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. You don’t hear much about her L
God the Father was once a regular guy on some other planet who lived a really good life and achieved godhood and got to start his own world, known as Earth and populated it with people whose men have the potential to achieve godhood themselves and start their own planet someday. No. Really.
Women will never be equal to men and her purpose is to follow her husband, have children and accept the other wives her husband will marry in heaven.
The moon is inhabited by people who are all about 6 feet tall, dress like Quakers and live to be around 1000 years old. (You can’t make this stuff up, folks!)
The Garden of Eden was in Missouri.
Dark skinned people, especially Negroes, are cursed of God. In the Journal of Discourse 11, it states, “Why are so many of the inhabitants of the Earth cursed with a sin of blackness? It comes in consequence of their fathers rejecting the power of the Holy Priesthood and the law of God. They will go down to death.” EXCUSE ME??
The United States of America is to be overthrown because of wrongs committed upon the Saints in the state of Missouri.
Even though Mitt publically denounces polygamy, as a temple-Mormon, he is required by church doctrine to agree to practice it for eternity. This is from the current Doctrine and Covenants 132 of LDS canon.
Now, the average Mormon peon doesn’t even know some of these things! According to an internet acquaintance who was a Mormon for 50 years and subsequently became a born-again Christian…(you know, the REAL kind), “There is so much [information] to digest and the average Mormon doesn’t even know a lot about their early history and doctrines because they are actually discouraged from reading it! It’s an ever changing god and gospel they have, and they are kept too busy ‘earning their salvation and exaltation’ to read much at all.”
Ezra Taft Benson, the President of the LDS and the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture during the Eisenhower Administration stated in a speech in June 1981 that , “In conclusion, let us summarize this grand key, these 14 Fundamentals in Following the Prophet; for our salvation depends on them.” What are these 14 Fundamentals? They stress that members of the LDS give complete obedience to the church.
1. The Prophet is the only man who speaks for the Lord in everything. (Gee, that’s convenient!)
2. The Living Prophet is more vital to us than standard works.
3. The Living Prophet is more important than a dead prophet.
4. The Prophet will never lead the church astray.
5. The Prophet is not required to have any earthly training or credentials to speak on any subject or act on any matter at any time. (Hey people, cash in your 401K’s and give the money to ME!)
6. The Prophet doesn’t have to say, “Thus saith the Lord” to give scripture. (He’ll make it up as he goes…)
7. The Prophet tells us what we need to know, not always what we want to k now.
8. The Prophet is not limited by men’s reasoning.
9. The Prophet can receive revelation on any matter temporal or spiritual.
10. The Prophet may advise on civic matters.
11. Two groups who have the greatest difficulty following the Prophet are the proud who are learned and the proud who are rich. (No kidding! The ones who are ‘learned’ can see through your crap!)
12. The Prophet will not necessarily be popular with the world or the worldly.
13. The Prophet and His counselors make up the First Presidency- the highest quorum in the church—exalted themselves with positions of God. (There is no way the average member of the church could ever have a face to face meeting with someone in the highest quorum.)
14. (This is the kicker!!) The Prophet and the Presidency, the Living Prophet and the First Presidency—follow them and be blessed. Reject them and suffer.
Did you know that Mitt Romney is bound by a blood oath, given during a secret ceremony in the church, that he as a temple-Mormon is to obey the Mormon church OVER U.S. Law and the U.S. Constitution? NO? If you think this man’s potential Presidency won’t be greatly influenced by this church, you’re deluded!
Finally, there is The White Horse Prophecy.
According to The White Horse Prophecy, given by God to Joseph Smith in 1843, the U.S. Constitution will one day “hang like a thread” and will be saved “by the efforts of the White Horse,” described in the book of Revelation in the Bible and which the LDS defines as itself.
Brigham Young, the leader of the Mormon church right after the death of Joseph Smith stated, “When the Constitution of the U.S. hangs as it were, upon a single thread, they will have to call for the Mormon Elders to save it from utter destruction, and they will step forth and do it.”
Is Mitt Romney the ‘White Horse’, chosen by God to save the Constitution? Is being elected the President of the United States his ‘destiny’? When exactly will he achieve godhood? After his second term?
Everything I am telling you people is absolutely true. I do not have a fertile enough imagination to make this nonsense up!
So the question we need to ask ourselves is this: Would we rather have a President who is intellectually brilliant but has a personal marital history that stinks, or have a President whose most personal beliefs, and those of his family for generations, are narcissistic, grandiose and preposterous?
So the question we need to ask ourselves is this: Would we rather have a President who is intellectually brilliant but has a personal marital history that stinks, or have a President whose most personal beliefs, and those of his family for generations, are narcissistic, grandiose and preposterous?
We need a good, strong President.
Not a god.
Not a god.
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